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Lea Williamson, ShiFu
Feb 21, 20237 min read
The Yin and Yang of It All.
A very basic explanation of yin and yang symbology and how it applies to daily life.
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Lea Williamson, ShiFu
May 26, 20226 min read
The Wind Blew My Chi Away!
How the wind blew my chi away. We rarely notice things we can’t see like the wind, until they impact us.
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Lea Williamson, ShiFu
Oct 12, 20214 min read
Qigong or Tai Chi: What’s the difference?
What’s the difference between qigong and tai chi?
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Lea Williamson, ShiFu
May 3, 20212 min read
The Alchemy of Medical Qigong
The alchemy of medical qigong. What is medical qigong and how does it work?
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ShiFu Lea Williamson
Aug 19, 20193 min read
"Stillness overcomes heat"
The mid-August heat offers us the perfect time to go inward in our practices. Like myself, I know many of you prefer to practice qigong...
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ShiFu Lea Williamson
Aug 2, 20194 min read
Chi Book Review: The Healer Within
Reading has always helped me learn new things, detail subjects I'm already familiar with and expand my imagination. When I read about...
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