It’s easy to get caught up in the cycles of daily personal and work life and forget the bigger picture. To that end, I’m reposting this from the New Year’s newsletter. Because of the emphasis of the year, the Balance In Nature Retreat is taking place on Spring Equinox, March 20th, a day of cyclical balance and renewal. Do you need to schedule a check in with Mother Nature? (
Friday, February 12th marked the final transition out of the Year of the Metal Rat and into the Year of the Metal Ox. Did you feel the change of energy happening? I sure did. In ox years, work and relationships are the dominant elements. For ox, work is not a burden because it goes at it’s own pace, doing everything from inner strength and stability. We can choose to work hard this year and let our daily life be heavy and weigh us down or we can choose to work smart and easy this year and in so be rewarded greatly because our work/metal will be lighter, creating prosperity and abundance. How’s it going so far?
This year the focus is on relationships with self, health and wealth. If we do the “hard work” we need to in these areas this year, we can achieve great payoff, when we work patiently, mindfully and easily from our own center of strength. If we choose not to work on ourselves in these areas this year, it could spell disaster. If we choose to overwork, that too could lead to exhaustion. It’s all about relationship and tuning in to ourselves. (
Relationships in this context aren’t just about romance. Relationships this year should be focused on relationship with self, health and wealth. Are you your own best friend and support? Or do you sabotage yourself with your language and clinging to beliefs from the past that no longer hold true? This is just a part of building better relationship with ourselves and learning to love and respect ourselves. The Balance in Nature Retreat is a workshop designed to do just that: build a more balanced relationship with all three aspects of self: body, mind and spirit.
Health is a part of relationship with self. We do this “easy work” in our qigong and tai chi practices as well as in choosing to eat well, sleep enough, reduce stress, and not overindulge. Our relationship with wealth or money, also is in the forefront this year. We can choose to work easily at our own pace and recover/build our financial situation or we can ignore the fact that our financial relationships crave attention just as a relationship with a friend does. I’ve learned in the past year my friend Money doesn’t like to be hidden away in the closet but rather to be taken out, have fun and play instead of gathering dust. It’s all about balanced relationships.
Since the emphasis this year is on building relationship with our inner authority, we should be taking control of all aspects of our lives instead of relying on outside sources to lead us. Now’s your chance to ask for what you want, work easily and patiently toward it and reap great rewards. If you don’t ask, you won’t receive. If you don’t do the work YOUR WAY, it may become a burden.
We’d love to have you join us at the next Balance in Nature Retreat to enjoy natural tools that tune you in to your inner wisdom so you can find balance within regardless of what the ox may drag in ;) Check out video highlights of the first Balance in Nature Retreat (